Tolerance for Vaping: What Every Non Smoker Needs To Know About The Vaper

You and your family are walking down the mall, and there are smokers everywhere.  You do your best to have your kids avoid the smoke, but you walk straight into a cloud of vape that seemingly came out of nowhere.  You want to yell at them and tell them that it is a ridiculous habit to have; why don’t they just stop?

It happens all the time.  People who have never smoked or vaped are baffled by people who do.  While we all understand that smoking is extremely harmful for us, including smokers, what most people, who haven’t had to try to quit smoking, don’t understand is the vaper’s passion for what they are doing.

We want to give some advice for the people in your life who aren’t in the same place as you, so that we can begin to help them understand why this has become your life.

It’s Not The Vapor

People like to think that the biggest thing for vapers is the big clouds or the flavors.  From what we have seen, it is neither.  It’s the fact that they are not smoking.  People are in love with not smoking.  They are happy that they can breathe again. They don’t smell like an ashtray. 

You can see it in the way they talk and walk; when a customer quits smoking, there is a pride that exudes from them.  They know what they did and it makes them happy. Quitting is one of the hardest things that people go through in their life.

Just Quit. I Don’t Get Why You Started In The First Place

We get it Mr. Non-smoker, we shouldn’t have started in the first place, and if we had the ability to go back in time, we would choose a different path.  As there is no way to do that, this is one of the best ways to change one of the worst habits we ever picked up. We have a way to fix it and we are doing it. 

Little did you know, we are actually completely aware that putting things in our body that doesn’t belong there could be bad.  Guess what though? It is the fact that there is scientific evidence that this is a safer way to get the nicotine that we need as we quit, but it actually tastes pretty well.

We are slowly stepping our nicotine down, and working a plan on how to quit an addiction that had overtaken our lives.  We will quit, but all in good time, as it is not as easy to just say I’m going to quit doing something that I have been doing for as long as I can remember.

We Understand Why You Fear What You Don’t Understand

It is a natural thing for humans to fear what they don’t understand, but in all reality, before you tell us what is good or bad for us you need to do some research into what is happening.  There is more anecdotal evidence and scientific evidence as to why this is safer for us then why it would be worse for us. 

If you ask any vaper, who was also a smoker, about the changes in their life since they started to vape, you would find out what we are talking about.  We breathe better, we taste things again, we can go somewhere and not have to excuse ourselves to go smoke a cigarette and come back embarrassed that we smell like the ashtray we were standing by. 

It’s something that the non-smoker will never understand.  So don’t tell us you do, just accept that smelling like watermelon or strawberry is better than smelling like a cigarette.  You will also like it better.  We know because of the look you used to give us after we came back.

Vaping Is Dangerous

While we see the same news reports that you do about these devices blowing up, it is actually a very small number.  Most of these are due to user error.  It’s also why it’s is so important that we educate ourselves on the devices that we use. 

Most shops will not allow you to walk out until you understand how the device works.  It is important that the user understands for a number of reasons.  If they don’t understand how it works, it won’t help them quit because they will not be happy with it. 

Also, they need to know how to refill it, take care of it, how to change coils, and they need to know what type of e liquid they are using and what is in it.  All these things go into having a great experience with vaping, and are the reasons to why we try to explain and show people how to use their device safely

You Are Just Moving From One Addiction To Another

While this may look like the case, it is not the goal of companies like ours.  Our owner, Dani, explains it very well:

                “Many people look at the vape industry as an extension of the tobacco companies like Phillip Morris, but it couldn’t be further from the truth.  Our goal as a company is to get people to quit using nicotine and this is the most effective way we have found to make that happen.  We continually encourage people to lower their nicotine intake until they reach zero.  At that point, we want to create the environment to make sure that they no longer are our customers.  Our whole mission is to create non customers.“

It’s a lofty goal, but that really is what’s most important.  To give people their freedom from the addiction is a big ask and the sooner the non-smoker understands that, the easy it will be to achieve it. We want people not in the industry to see where we are coming from and what we are trying to do.  It is not as simple as just give it up.  

Telling people to just quit doing something that has been a daily part of their life for years is the same as telling people not to brush their teeth every day, it just won’t happen.

Share with us your quitting experience below!

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