The Vape Choice: Free To Choose Not To Smoke

Freedom is choice. Without a choice of option A or option B, there is no freedom. A week ago, we celebrated the fourth of July. It is the day that we chose, as a new country to choose option B.


We at Modern Smoking Solutions are celebrating our one-year anniversary. Last year on the 4th, we opened our doors to a different kind of freedom: self-employment. Our owner, Dani, decided to take on the risk that came with owning her own shop and try to carve out a piece of the dream.


It has been a wild ride so far, between getting the shop up and running, creating our own premium line, to learning how to market it effectively. While it has been hard, it has also been rewarding.   Every month we are growing, which is exciting. It will take a pretty special second year to top the first year we were in business.


Most of all, we have you to thank for your continued support and patronage! You are why we have been allowed to continue on this path.


The Battle for Vaping’s Life


As we are moving into the second year of our business, we are facing a battle that will help determine how the next couple of years turn out for the vape industry as a whole.


This is also what vapers are declaring. They are choosing not to smoke and have chosen to vape. We are seeing that choice trying to be clawed from our hands. As the deeming regulations from the FDA get closer, we are seeing an effort by the vape community to fight back.


Between the countless lawsuits against the FDA, to advocacy on Capitol Hill, people are trying to fight back in an effort to keep their freedom of choice. While our opponents are powerful people, the groundswell of vapers that have come to the defense of vaping has a very real chance of overtaking them.


The FDA has made great mistakes in the past, as can be shown here.   Also, were are the statistics that show vaping as being more unsafe than cigarettes, yet the FDA has approved drugs so that over 8,000,000 of the country’s children are on psychiatric drugs without any concern with what this will mean for our society in the future. Also, if we want to go further, the FDA decided it was ok to destroy our food supply.


It makes you wonder why they thought it was so important to “protect the children” from vaping while they allow all these other products to continue on the market unhindered. Look at where the profits are, there you will find the source of the FDA’s regulations.


Changing Lives and Destroying Cigarettes


It isn’t all about advocacy, though. People are changing their lives. Vaping has saved thousands of lives and will continue to do so if we are allowed to continue to help people make the switch. Vape is continually being shown to do significantly less damage than smoking while it helps people quit the tar and chemical infested cigarettes.


The goal of the vape community is to turn these relics into a thing of the past, but only if given the opportunity to continue on our upward trajectory. So, even though we are celebrating the achievements that we have accomplished thus far, we have a lot of work ahead of us a industry.


Whether it be changing the way that we market our products, to trying to change the perception of people’s opinions of vaping, the problems are there to be answered. And they will be answered, it is just a matter of at what costs. We are asking that they don’t destroy the industry before we answer those questions for ourselves.


We really are there to help people, but it is a matter of showing people that we are serious about this.Also, advocacy groups like CASAA, need vapers to help with the show of solidarity when they are advocating on the Hill.  So if you like what they are doing, join in the fight.


Thoughts on how to help the vape industry? Comment below!


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