Vaping Into the Quit

If you have ever tried to quit smoking, you know it can really be tough.  That's why we are here to help.  There are a number ways that you can try, but one way we have seen that is effective for our customers is vaping.  Every day we have people coming in to quit smoking and use vaping to put the habit down.  It can be done. 


Recognizing that you have reasons to quit!

One of the biggest issues that people who quit smoking face is not really recognizing the reasons why they need/want to quit smoking.  It is very easy for those of us on the other side to forget, as we have already been through the process of quitting.  It is one of the hardest steps to take.

The cigarette has been your best friend for years. That time your boyfriend dumped you, your cigarette was there.  Remember when you got a huge raise at work? Your cigarette was there.  Remember when you had your first kid, the nerves and the joy? Well, your cigarette was there as well.  It has always been there, with you through the thick and the thin.  The cold winters and the heat of summer.  No one has been as big a part of your life as a cigarette, and this is what makes it so damn hard to quit. 

It all seems so easy once you are on the other side.  But the reason for getting to the other side is to know that there is freedom once you get there.  Find the reason, whether it comes from wanting to see your kids grow up or because you want to run your first 5k.  This is the single most important step that you need to take.

Quitting is made easier

If you find those reasons to quit, that is where vaping comes in.  Vaping can be used as a supplement to get you through those first few hard weeks of coming down off of all the chemicals that you put into your body.

Your cigarette friend has been poisoning you in almost every way imaginable, and yet we all continued to go back to it.  We woke up in the morning proclaiming that this would be the day, and yet, right after the coffee, you walk outside with cigarette in your mouth.

But here is how that changes.  Vaping, it’s this trend that you have been hearing a lot about.  And guess, it is better than a trend.  It is changing lives for the better.

Understand what vaping is; it’s actually important.

So you have made that decision to quit and now you are wondering how to do it.  You could go with the patch or gum, or you could even go cold turkey.  The question is why would you? There is a better way, and that is to vape!

Vaping doesn’t have to be scary because that is what we are here for.  First step is to know what you are jumping into.  The biggest thing to know is that vaping is not supposed to become a way of life for you.  It is a tool that you are going to use to get your freedom back, 10 minutes at a time.

So the basic fundamentals that you need to know about vaping are what ingredients go into the juice that you are vaping on.  Four ingredients is all that it is. Vegetable glycerin, propylene glycol, flavoring, and nicotine; these four ingredients combine to give you that sensation of smoking, and that is why vaping helps the person trying to quit.  You get both the nicotine that your body craves, but also that same movement and sensation that you are smoking.  Do you want to see a list comparison between the ingredients in a cigarette and vape? Well here you go. And just for good measure, here is another one.

Just by the list alone, you can see that this is going to be better for you. While it is better than smoking, it should be used as a tool to get nicotine out of your life.  This is why we always suggest a cessation plan.

(For more on this, check out our previous article.)

Nicotine has to go!

The whole point to all of this is to end your addiction to nicotine, to live a happier and healthier life.  Every time you step out to light up, there is 10 minutes gone of your day.  A pack a day, 200 minutes which just so happens to be about three hours and change of your life spent in your ritual of smoking. 

That’s a lot of the hours spent trying to get your nicotine on.  How much more can you get done? How much better could your relationships be if you had that time back? How much better could your health be? How much less stress would you be under if every hour or so you weren’t craving your nicotine. 

It will make a huge difference in your life.  That is why once you start vaping you have to be under the mindset that you need to get rid of your nicotine as soon as possible.  You will most likely start fairly high in your nicotine, but set a goal to go down two milligrams in your first 2 weeks. Then you keep reducing it.  However long it takes you to get to zero doesn’t matter.  What matters is that slowly but surely you are winning the battle.  You are taking that step.  You are pushing forward in your goal. 

As you can see, there is a way to never be tied to another cigarette.  While vaping will help you, it still won’t do it all for you.  You have to be willing and have the strength of will to see out quitting nicotine forever.  If you don’t, there will always be the chance that you return to cigarettes.  And as we all know, it is not a habit that is healthy for you, and those around you.  If you are willing, we are here to help you in this process.  As a company that is our goal, to help you see out the addiction to cigarettes and start to transform your life!

It really is the best thing that you could do for you, and the only person stopping it from happening is you.  So the question comes down to: Are you ready to make ready to end it?


P.S. Next week we will be having a further blog post on understanding the transition through vape and how choosing the right device and juice can make or break the process.

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