The Truth About Vaping - What is Vaping?

*Editor’s Note: Vaping is not a smoking cessation product, and we are not advertising it as such.

Do you ever have anyone who asks, "What is vaping?" There are a lot of people out there who do not know very much about vaping.  It is completely understandable as it is a fairly new industry; it is less than 20 years old.  If you look through the entirety of the internet, you see every view point under the sun.  You never really know who is telling you the truth and who is lying to you. That is why over the next few articles on here we are going to explore exactly what it is.

If you care to get some answers, this is what you have been looking for.  We are going to take an in depth look at a ton of research and we are going to give you the truth about what is helping thousands of people each year.

Get ready to dive in head first! We are going to go over quite a bit.

Study, Study, Study

Many people don’t know that there are tons of studies going on as we speak.  There have been some great studies for vaping, and some not so great ones.  The thing that most are misunderstanding in this is that vaping is never going to be 100% safe for someone.  As an alternative to other choices out there it is definitely much safer, and if the company that you are getting your product from teaches you how to use them properly and takes care in making your juices, we can make it as safe as possible.

Now some of these studies may blow your mind:

Mayo Clinic Study on Postoperative Recovery – What this is basically saying that they noticed a correlation between faster recovery times in cigarette smokers who switch to vaping during their recovery. 

Vaping has similar effect on lungs as air – This is an amazing study that showed the comparison between cigarette smoke and vapor.  It was done to try to predict long term effects of both of them.  In the study after a 6 hour test, the cultures that were exposed to cigarette smoke died and those that were exposed to vapor tested the same as if they were only exposed to the air we breathe.

E-Cigarettes: an evidence update – This report was put out by Public Health England.  They have done multiple studies on vaping and this one is the latest that they published.  Some of the main points are that they have found that it is 95% safer to vape than to smoke traditional cigarettes, and also that use among youth who have never smoked is not increasing, which is a big point in the FDA’s remarks and proposed legislation on the vape industry.

Those are some pretty good studies, and that is just the tip of the iceberg.  We are going to be going further in depth with so hang on. First, I wanted to show you that there are some tests showing that show why some are still having reservations and want more testing done (which we are all for).

Boston University – Avira Spira is a Boston University professor of medicine and pathology.  He states that while it is possibly safer alternative, we still don’t know for certain.  While he does think that it can help people get off of traditional cigarettes, he doesn’t want them to believe that it is a “safe” option because we aren’t for certain at this time.

What you can see here is that they just want to have more testing done, and we should be all for that.  The biggest thing that we should take away from this is that we should take caution when creating these products, as the ingredients to make them can be a danger if not used properly.  That is usually where we can find the biggest anomalies.

What you see is not always what you get.

When someone walks into the shop, the most important thing to do is to teach them about what they about to embark on. As you can see from the studies above, there are people trying to do just that. The next important part is to understand what actually goes into creating the liquids that we all enjoy.

No matter what you may hear, there are four basic ingredients in vape juice: vegetable glycerin (VG), propylene glycol (PG), nicotine, and flavoring. It is four, not thousands that you would find in traditional cigarettes. It’s four. These four ingredients can be combined in a multitude of different ways to create different flavors and ratios for the liquid, but when you break it down it is going to be just those four that you are inhaling.

There are many uses that the four ingredients can be used for of which vaping is just one. Here at our company, we use 100% Kosher, USP, non-GMO, food grade VG and PG, and it shouldn’t be done any other way. As long as you are using the highest quality ingredients, you can create the highest quality product. It is also important where it comes from, as there are different standards around the world. For the most part, you can trust USA made products as there are extremely high standards for these things, but you should always do your due diligence.

It is also important to know where this juice is made, how it is made, and under what conditions. The difference between no clean room, an ISO Level 7 clean room, and an ISO Level 5 clean room are immense. If you don’t believe that, check out this website. It will explain the difference in great detail. It is enormous. 

Is it really helping?

Every day we are around people who have made the switch to vaping. I watch them come in and ask questions and try to learn about why they should make the switch. I watch over as they start their journey from high nicotine content in their vape juice to being down to zero and putting down their vape. This is our goal as a company, to make our customers no longer customers. We want to see them eventually put down our product, but in between, we put out a product that is better and that we know is safer than just about everything on the market.

We want our customers to know that they are getting our best, and that is why it is also important to understand the process and to understand what is going into the product. This is the whole point of it all: to set the standard for the vape industry.

As always, let us know your thoughts! We always love feedback.  

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